Frequently asked questions

Password rules

For your security, we apply the following password rules:

  • be at least 6 characters long,
  • have at least one non-alphanumeric character (! & $ # % ; - _)
  • have at least one digit (0-9) 
  • have at least one uppercase (A-Z)

I can't log in

If you have forgotten your password, you can set a new one by entering your email address in the forgot password page. An email will then be sent to you with a link to set your new password.

I can't register

It is possible your email address is already registered on our platform.

You can try to login or reset your password, or contact [email protected] and we can assist you.

I lost my password

If you have lost your password, please enter your email address in the forgot password page to have instructions sent to your inbox on how to reset your password.